I carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

another year gone and we all miss you more. But i know you are with me everyday! I miss walking into town with you and you letting me pick those mint choc at the pick&pay. I know you were there the day kallee was born coming so see the beautiful angel she is and i know your round everyday watching her grow with me! She will always know what a caring loving person you were.
Love you lots like jelly tots (that what you wrote in my 10th Birthday card) for ever and ever
Charne & Kallee
Today we fare well another loved one. Vanessa may you rest in peace.
Your suffering was UN bearable now you will never suffer again.
You will always be in my heart girl, say hello to my Father and all our loved ones.

i had the best time that i can remember when i was young with u oupa, we were always so close we would make pan cakes together and drink your special tea and strive to annoy ouma lol. i will not cry that you are gone cause your not ur here with us everyday just most cant see you but i can feel your still here so i will celebrate every last moment of my life to yours, to the love you gave to your constent open heart to ur youth that never faded and to the insperation that you gave every1. you are a very special man and no one will ever forget you.
love you always and forever
your lil charneky.
I have so many memories of you Dad and every last one of them is good. You made sure of that. The man you were is remember by many as a happy go luck guy, a free spirit, a man with compassion, determination and always humble.
You appreciated every little thing people did for you and you went out of your way to do for others.
That’s the memory I have of you most that you were such a hard worker always on your job.
Even when you were so sick, and Dad you suffering was so much but never enough to keep you down.
You always believed you will get better and you did.
When I would ring you and cry because once again you were in hospital, you would always say, “ No my Girl Daddy will get better”
Your drive and determination is what made me what I am today! Never give up you would say, beggars can’t be choosers.
I remember when I flew you and Mum out to visit here in Australia, you loved it so much Dad you had your cam corder with you all the time. It was like you knew back then that it would be your last time.
You knew did you not Dad?, because you stood here in my kitchen held your chest and took a deep breath then you said to me, you know my girl when I breath in deep I have such a pain just here on my heart. I asked you if you had your heart checked and you said, Yes the doctors say my heart is good as gold.
Every time you spoke to me when you went home you would insist on having the last say, and that was always………My Girl you know that Daddy loves you very much.
And I would always say Dad why do you talk like that, I don’t like it when you talk like that because it almost sounds like you going to die.
Then you said, I love you so much we don’t have un- finished business between us.
You knew Dad you knew, that’s why you kept telling us how much you loved us. But your last wish was not granted and that was to go see Davy in England. You used to talk about it all the time, saying next year I want to go to England and see my Son and grand children.
You did not make it Dad….but I believe you have visited in spirit, aren’t you lucky you paid no fare or get stuck in a crammed airplane seat. Nether did you have to eat that crappy airline food.
You flew first class this time Dad!, and I know you visited me just the other night.
I heard you so load and clear and it could only be you that will tell me “ Hey you are snoring”
I almost fell off the couch when I heard your voice, I went to sleep thinking of you asking you to let me know that you are with me, and so you did old man.
You larrikin the joker you are told me I was snoring……thanks Dad next time leave the lotto number.
So the memories I have of you are wonderful, happy ones and I will never forget you.
Love your daughter